Hareem Shah posted a video message to X, which used to be called Twitter. In it, he said that his family had already reported that his Husband had gone missing.
Hareem Shah, a popular TikToker, has alleged that her husband, Bilal Shah, was kidnapped in Karachi. She claims that he was taken away by people in plain clothes two days after arriving in the city from London.
Bilal’s family, however, says that he is being questioned by law enforcement agencies about Hareem’s social media posts. They say that he has told investigators that she was not directly running the Twitter account but that someone else was doing so with her permission.
Hareem denies these claims and says that Bilal was kidnapped for no reason. She has filed a petition in the Sindh High Court (SHC) demanding his release.
A first information report (FIR) has also been registered against unknown persons in the Defence Housing Authority (DHA) police station. The FIR states that Bilal was picked up from Qayyumabad’s street no 6 on August 27.
The case is currently under investigation and it is not clear what happened to Bilal. Hareem and her family are hopeful that he will be released soon.