UBL Installments Plan for Honda CD 70 with Zero Mark up

Honda CD 70 Price in Pakistan Today

As of mid-September 2023, the price of the Honda CD 70 2024 model in Pakistan is Rs. 157,900. This is an increase of Rs. 63,000 from the price of the 2022 model. The price increase is due to the devaluation of the Pakistani rupee and the rising cost of raw materials.

A number of banks, including UBL Bank, offer the zero percent markup plan. This means you don’t have to pay any more interest to get a new Honda CD 70.

Honda CD 70 Installment Plans 2023

DurationMonthly Installment
3 MonthsRs53,950

Atlas Honda makes a lot of motorcycles in Pakistan, and one of their most famous models is the CD 70. It is known for being strong, getting good gas mileage, and having a simple design. Even though there are a lot of Chinese motorbikes on the market, Pakistan’s best-selling bike is still the CD 70.

The Honda CD 70 is a classic motorbike that has been popular in Pakistan for many years. It is known for being reliable, good on gas, and inexpensive. Atlas Honda has been putting this bike together in Pakistan for a long time, and it’s still one of the most popular types on the market.

The Honda CD 70 is a stable, easy-on-the-wallet motorbike that gets good gas mileage. It’s also easy to get parts for, and the brand name is well-known. Even though the price has gone up, it is still the most popular motorbike in Pakistan because of these things.

In recent years, the Pakistani dollar has lost a lot of its value, which has made the price of the Honda CD 70 go up. Because of this, a lot of people are looking for easy payment plans so they can buy a new bike or improve the one they already have.

Atlas Honda just revealed that its bikes, including the Honda CD 70, can be paid for overtime with no interest added. People who want to buy a new motorbike but don’t want to pay a lot of interest will be happy to hear this.

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