Breaking News Drama Cast, timimg & storyline

Breaking News is a captivating new drama series that premiered in 2023 on Green TV. The show revolves around the intriguing lives of Mashal and Hussain, played by talented actors Amar Khan and Hamza Sohail respectively. Let’s delve into the fascinating details surrounding this drama:

title Information
Drama TitleBreaking News
TV ChannelGreen TV Entertainment
WriterAamir Raza
DirectorKashif Nisar
Production CompaniesQ&K Productions, Multiverse Entertainment

Breaking News Drama Storyline

Breaking News takes viewers on a journey into the behind-the-scenes world of media, focusing on the lives of journalists and the challenges they face. Mashal, an aspiring news anchor, navigates the industry with determination, while Hussain, already established in his career, grapples with the ethical dilemmas of manipulating news for viewership.

Breaking News: Drama Timing

Breaking News, the captivating drama series on Green TV, airs every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday at 9:00 PM. So, mark your calendars and join Mashal and Hussain on their journey through the complex world of media.

Breaking News Drama cast:

ActorCharacterRole Description
Hamza SohailHussainThe main character, is likely the protagonist of the crime story.
Amar KhanMashalA female character whose role and relationship to the story remain unclear.
Haseeb KhanAzmat BhagioAnother male character is possibly involved in the crime or investigation.
Ali SafinaA prominent actor, likely portraying a supporting role.
Faiza GillaniA veteran actress, possibly playing a motherly or authoritative figure.
Saleem MairajA character actor, likely portraying a supporting role.

Hamza Sohail

Hamza Sohail

Amar Khan

Amar Khan

Haseeb Khan

Haseeb Khan

Ali Safina

Ali Safina

Faiza Gillani

Faiza Gillani

Saleem Mairaj

Saleem Mairaj

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